Friday, November 4, 2011

The best book in the whole wide world

I personally loved the book it was my most favourite book in the whole wide world and it is all thanks to Ms.Ferriolo for reading and introducing the book to me. My thoughts about the book is that it is perfect and i wouldn’t change a thing about it it gives me the best feeling in the world when I read It, because the writer Suzanne Collins had you in suspense the whole time you never know when there is a kill behind the corner or a little romance. Also it was really emotional at the end of the book when i was telling the class what i thought about the last chapter I almost started crying because Peeta found out that Katniss was only pretending to be in love with him because Haymitch thought that in result of pretending to be in love with each other they could win the games, witch was the best strategy in the world except to Peeta it wasn’t a strategy it was reality. The second we finished the book i went to the library to look for the next one catching fire but unfortunately they didn’t have a copy available so i will have to wait until my class mate is done reading it so then i can I’m so excited.

My opinion did change through out the book because I never thought that the hunger games would end the way it did it really surprised me. Do you think that deep down inside that Katniss really has feelings for Peeta.
  - Elisha


  1. How did you think The Hunger Ganmes would end? I think that since Katniss went through a lot with Peeta throughout the Games a part of her has some kind of emotional connection to him; I mean how would she not. What these feelings are who knows...guess you'll have to read the rest of the books in the series to find out!

    Ms. F

  2. I thought that the hunger games would most defenatly end A different way I mean I never thought that the other tributes that died would come back as a wolf pack it really supprised me I love thish book almost enough to mary it hehe kidding.

    - Elisha

  3. I agree, the book was amazing and the ending also shocked me to. I always thought that at the ending Katniss and peeta were going to get together and be a couple. Suzanne Collions did have a very good way of writing and always had me hooked to every chapter.

    ~Ally!! :D

  4. I thought that the hunger games would most defenatly end A different way I mean I never thought that the other tributes that died would come back as a wolf pack it really supprised me I love thish book almost enough to mary it hehe kidding.

    - Elisha

  5. I thought that the hunger games would most defenatly end A different way I mean I never thought that the other tributes that died would come back as a wolf pack it really supprised me I love thish book almost enough to mary it hehe kidding.

    - Elisha

  6. i agree with all it was a shocker at the end but i like it a lot. My sister has the book is the was even better but she is going to read the second book.I can't wait for the movie.

    Samantha M
