Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My first impression of the soldiers was that they were very defensive people that had to defend for themselves from the Iroquois. They were also very brave people that had to stand up for themselves day after day. I found that they were also very courageous people because they had to have courage to not surrender to the Iroquois.

Life for them i think would have been very "on edge" because they were also worried about being attacked and  things like that. I think they would of lived a dangerous life with all the fighting and war in their lives. They would have had a very nervous lives as well.
I would not have chosen the same path as them because of how dangerous and on edge their lives would have been i would not have liked always been worrying about being raided or have to fight for my life everyday.
Devon Juenke

The first impression I got from when I heard about the group of Habitants was that they were really hard workers and they were always doing something to help someone, or even cleaning and fixing. Habitants were pretty much a made for the whole community.

Life for the Habitants would of been kind of hard because they are doing something everyday to help out others. One of reason I think it would be hard for them is because they never stop and they will get very tired and they will still have to work, until the day is over.

If I travelled back in time I would of took the same path as the Habitants because you would know whats right and wrong to do. Another reason I would of been a Habitant would be because I would want to what its like to be in their shoes and do what there doing for a living.

By: Reece Reynolds

Monday, June 11, 2012

The soldiers! :)

What was your first impression of this group of people?
My first impression was that these soldiers had to be very brave. They had to fight for there lives. I also wondered what these soldiers were fighting for. Then I found out in 1665, they defended there colony from the first nations. That would have taken a lot of guts.  

What would have life been like for them?
I cant even imagine the lives they had to live. Risky. They had to fight for survival. They had a very very very high chance of getting killed by the enemies. Also, violent. All the blood and gory they had to see. How can they overcome that? They will never forget that day in there lives. 

If transported back in time, would you have chosen a similar path in life? Why or why not.
No, because I cant imagine what they have been through. Its a unforgettable journey and I would never be able to handle that much killing and blood. How can anyone? Its a tragic event and I would never want to experience it. 

By: Ally! :)

The Soldiers....by: Emily

What is your first impression of this group of people? Why did they stay after their military services were over? Then I found out that they stayed because they needed to help repopulate the new colony.

What would have life been like for them?  Devastating because the King made them stay in "New France" even though they had friends families and a life back home. 

If transported back in time, would you have chosen a similar path in life? Why or why not? No, because I wouldn't be able to be away from my family and take in all the new aspects of a whole new place all at once. 

~Emily Dawn Cameron :3

Siegneurs....by STEPH


My first impresstions: When first read the artical on Siegneurs  I was a little unsure on what there role in history was as I continued reading I figured out they were the people that won the liking of the king of france and was rewarded land. I was again confused cause now a days dont have to win land we buy land our self cause its a free countrey. I can relate this to the book the hunger games because in the hunger games the capital has all power and if you win effection you will have a better chance of getting this rather then fighting with powerful people. In this cause the king is like the capital and has the power and the Seigneurs are the the people of panam trying to win affection.

What would life be like for them: I think life for the Seigneurs would have been very difficult. I think it would be difficult because you constantly have to please the king. Also you cant share your own opinion or feelings cause you don't want to suffer the loss of the kings affection, cause you would have no land or place to live. Seigneurs probably have family that need land too and without the kings approval the whole family would suffer.

If you transported back in time would you pick the same path? why or why not:  I don't think I would pick the path of a Seigneur because everyone's there own person. I don't think I could live my life doing everything possible to please the king. I think I would be a farmer of something on the lines of buying my own land.  


The Soldiers

My first impression of the Soldiers

My first impression of the soldiers i,s Do they like living the way they did? My other first impression was, did they like living with the King of France ordering hem around?

What would life be like for them?
I think life would be hard because they had to follow what the king order them to do and the fact that they have to go away from their families is hard.

If I transported back in time, would you have picked a similar path in life? Why or why not?
No I wouldn't have picked a similar path because I am not that kind of person who wouldn't have enough guts to go and fight for our country.  I just wish I everyone in the world would just like everyone for who they are and just get along. Like why can't we just have peace?

By: Megan Oscroft

The soldiers

What is your first impression of the soldiers?

My first impression of the soldiers were they acted to fast to defend the new colony.

What would have life been like for the soldiers?

I think life would have been horrifying because you don't know when the enemy could attack.

If transported back in time, would you have chosen a similar path in life? Why or why not?

I would stop the war between the French and First Nations because I think their should be pace among French and First Nations


Siegneurs Questions

My first impression of the Siegneurs.

My first impression of then Siegneurs was I thought they were almost like slaves because they had to do stuff for the king like slaves to get a chunk of land, but then I realized they were barganing with the king to get land, like if you give me this part of land I will grow a crop and bring you more money.

What would life have been like for them?

 I think life would have been tough because they are always trying to get land and having to keep there crops alive. Also they probably didn't get lots of money from the king for growing crops.

If transported back in time would you have pick a similar path in life? why or why not?

 If I transported back in time I don't think I would pick a similar path in life because I am not a person that likes to bargan or take demands from people and I am not the type of person that will farm or take a chunk of land to make crops with.


The Soldiers Dawson

2.a)  My first impressions were the soldiers were that they were very courageous to go and defend the new colony because not very many people are brave enough to go to war.

b) I think life would have been scary because they could have been attack by the enemies at any time.
Also I think would have been lots of scurvy because of lack of fruits.

 c) I would have probably would have been just a settler and watch the war happen and hoped for victory.


Friday, June 8, 2012

The Habitant in New France ... Tyler

What is your first impression of this group of people? 
Well my first impression was how did they like living the way the did.

What would have life been like for them? 
I think life would of been very hard trying to keep their lands alive and their selves alive.

If transported back in time, would you have chosen a similar path in life? Why or why not?
I would of chosen a different path in life because i would hate barley surviving  on my own land.

Tyler Badiuk.

A Day In The Life Of Jacques Cartier
Hello my name Jacques Cartier I am an early voyager on my voyages   I was set out to find gold and riches and the route to China , there was many challenges and things that were new to us that we didn’t know about .  One challenge I had was chief Dannacona did not like me at all this was difficult because I had to deal with him while I was trying to do what I was sent out to do.  The weather was also another big change for me because it was such a drastic change which shocked both me and my crew.
By: Devon 

The Settlers of New France

  1. Choose one of the following groups in the Virtual Museum of New France.

    Les Coureurs des Bois
    Voyageurs and Hired Men
    The Habitant in New France
    The Seigneurs
    The Soldiers
  2. Post a response to the following questions:

    What is your first impression of this group of people?
    What would have life been like for them?
    If transported back in time, would you have chosen a similar path in life? Why or why not?
  3. Read through your classmates' postings and respond to at least two of them. Is there anything that you disagree with? If yes, why? Do you have any questions? Can you add anything?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

dear family:
I have been sailing for six months so far a lot of my crew has died from scurvy we'er not sure what it is or what causes it. I really miss my family.

sincerely Jacque Cousau

liam (sorry forgot how to spell it :p

A Day In The Life Of Jacques Cartier...by Emily

Hi Friends and Family back and Europe,

Just letting you know I'm not doing so well on finding the gold and riches thing but I do feel as though Orient (China) is near by. The weather here is cold, very cold to be exact I can't bear to be out side of my cabin, but the King didn't send me out to Kanata for nothing. Most of my crew is sick with scurvy, feeling bad I hope that  there is medicine to help the sailors here. Donnaconda the chief of the tribe, one doesn't like me because I'm "stealing his land" and two doesn't speak my language. The King is getting very impatient now but I plan to head back soon enough plus more of my crew has died.
Tell the King I have a surprise for him

Yours Truly,
Jacques Cartier

~Emily :3

A Day in the Life of Samuel du Champlain

Hello family and friends,
I am on a voyage to find a route to North America. So all has gone well, but I think something bad is going to happen. One of my crew members is very sick with scurvies. We are all very worried about him and we hope that he is going to be okay. I fear that my other crew members are going to get the disease. I hope that no one gets it and me can have a good journey with out anyone being sick. I have had a couple of experiences, I have met a couple of First Nations people. I hope that you are al doing okay back home and I should and hope to be home soon.

Samuel du Champlain

By: Megan

A day in a life as Jacques Cartier

Dear friends and family

Hi, I'm sailing the seas trying to find a route to China and to find gold and riches. Along the way i have to deal with cold weather that am not use to. I met a guy called Chief Donnacana of a First Nations tribe. He didn't like me because he thought I was here to take his land. Rough water because the waves were almost to strong for the boat. I didn't know where China was. I thought China was closer then it really is. Most of my crew was sick or died because of scurvey because the lack of vitamin C. I was unsuccessful on all of my voyages. I didn't go on any more voyages for the king of French

Jacques Cartier

By samantha

A day in a life as Jacques Cartiers

Dear friends and family,
Hi, I am sailing the seas trying to find a route to china. It hasn't been going well for me, I still haven't found any gold or rich's its like I have bad luck for searching for thing  and I'm pretty sure the king will be getting very impatient soon most of my crew is either sick or has died from scurvey and thats not helping the situation at all. I have met a man named Donnacana he is a Chief of a tribe, we don't get along well, lets just say he thinks I am trying to take his land from and I am not, I am just an explorer exploring. I miss the weather there it is cold here and there is stuff falling from the sky they call it snow but its still freezing, I can barley feel my fingers. Well I have to get back to exploring I guess the King thinks I can really do this. Talk to you soon.

Yours truly,

Jacques Cartier


A Day In The Life of.. Jacques Cartier

Dear family,

Hello. Its been a while. I am sailing the high seas to find a route to Orient (China). It has been a very tough trip so far. The gold and riches must be hiding from me. I haven't found a single one! My crew is on the verge of dying from scurvey and I'm not doing to well either. I have met chief  Donnacona and lets just say we got off on the wrong foot. He thought I was stealing his land! Can you believe that? The weather is very odd. Its freezing! nothing like I'm used to. I wanna go home and be with you guys under the nice hot sun. I really do.  Now, its also very odd that the king put all this weight on my shoulders. He must really think I can do this. I'm not even sure. I can't understand anything the First Nations or the French are saying! It sounds like mumbling to me! Well I must get on with my journey. Love you. 

From yours truly, 

Jacques Cartier


Day in the Life of.....Jacques Cartier

 Dear  Family and friends back home,
Where you are would feel like heaven compared to were I am now. I am across the seas in a boat with a bunch of people who are in the process of dieing. I am kind of unsure why im here all the sudden out of the blue the king Henrey the 2nd asked me to sail the seas in search of riches and Orient. So far I have had NO luck at all but im never going to give up. I ran into a new land but not the new land im looking for. When I was there I ran in to a crewl man named Chief Donnaconna, he was the cheif of the first nations people and me and him did not get off to a good start. We didnt talk the same language so I didnt even know what n the world this man was saying and I really didnt care I promised the king so I when on his land anyways. Also the weather is below freezing I swear, there is freezing salt falling from the sky its amazing I wish I could show you I wish I was with you so much.

Yours truly
Jacque Cartier!

Dear Mommy:

I am long gone on my way to North America I just really hope I can find lots of gold and riches and hope I don't get Scurvy like most of my crew did. I know the king wants me to bring back tons of riches back. I don't know what he will do if i don't find any soon... So far we dident find to riches or nothing that is worth anything. But I got a really good feeling that I will  I seen some sort of glowing rocks that I think might be worth sumthing... But we passed them. I will get them on the way back.

From: Your dearest son Jacques.

Tyler Badiuk :D

A day in the Life of Samuel de Champlain

Dear France,

I have finally arrived in kantna, Its very cold and the men and I are wishing it was warmer. We have not found a pathway to china or riches. But I feel we have found something better, we have found a perfect area to settle. We believe that we will start building in a few days. I had to fight the Iroquois because my allies the huron's were going to war with them. But I have to go the men are about to have dinner so I shall go eat.



Dawson B

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Day in the Life of...

Imagine you are either Jacques Cartier or Samuel de Champlain. On the blog post a letter home to your family as you are “en route” to North America. Describe your hopes and fears as you set off on this adventure. Include details of what the King expects from you, describe your experiences and what you have encountered!
Remember to include your name at the bottom of your post!