Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pic of struture


  1. 1.My building is more stable when the weight was one the center floor because the weight didn't have as much area to sway.

    2.My building did not sway at all when the weight was on the bottom floor. When the weight move to the second floor my building began to sway a little bit more. When the weight was up at the third floor it was just as sturdy as it was on the second floor.

    3.When the weight was on the first floor at the edge it didn't change the way my building was standing. When the weight went up to the second floor my building was more straight than it was when the weight was in the middle on the second floor. When the weight was on the third floor it was way more straight than it was when the weight in the middle. I think the center of gravity on my building is more to the edge than the middle.

    4.To make my building better we needed to run cross post between each pole on my building. This would prevent the support post from not being straight.


  2. #1 The building was more stable when the mass was put on the bottom floor rather then the top because the centre of gravity was down lower and that makes things more sturdy.

    #2 The centre of gravity moved to the edge of the building when the mass was moved to the top floors because the building was off balance.

    #3 When we moved the mass to the edge of the building on the bottom floor it really unstable because it didn't have a wide enough base to level out the mass and keep it sturdy, but when we put it on the top floors it got more stable because the building was quite balanced through out.

    #4 The changes that we could make to are building would be to put more straws on the bottom because a wider base would male it so it wouldn't tip as easily.


  3. Good observations and conclusions guys. Your responses are thorough and clearly communicated.

